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    2024-25 FUTURE KINDER GIFTED TEST REGISTRATION ROUND 1 REGISTRATION: October 17 - January 6, 2025 *IN ORDER TO COMPLETE TESTNG, CHILDREN MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 4-YEARS OLD AT THE TIME OF TESTING AND WILL BE 5-YEARS OLD BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1ST. **Families living out-of-district, email a photocopy of your child's birth certificate and proof of residence to ***By completing this online registration, the parent/ legal guardian acknowledges her/ her request for gifted testing. (NOTE: All gifted testing is scored using age-level norms. DVUSD Gifted Services cannot score assessments without verification of age.)
  • Gifted Pre-Kindergarten Testing

    Pre-Kindergarten Gifted Testing is meant to identify incoming Pre-Kindergarten students with gifted abilities and place them with a gifted trained teacher for the school year. Students will complete the KABC-II NU. This Level C assessment will be administered one-on-one by a DVUSD psychologist. The KABC-II NU assesses children's reasoning and problem-solving abilities in the state-recognized areas of Verbal and Nonverbal. We also look for creativity and maturity as we administer the assessment. The testing process will take approximately 60 minutes in length. After completing payment for the Gifted Pre-Kindergarten Testing, please contact Gifted Services at (623)445-5588 or to schedule a testing appointment.
  • Out Of District/Out Of Boundary Gifted Testing

    Deer Valley Unified School District offers gifted testing for families residing outside of district boundaries. Out-of-District Gifted Testing is offered throughout the school year. For more information regarding dates and times of testing, please visit our Gifted Services Website at . In order to participate in Out-of-District Gifted Testing, families who live outside of the district boundaries are required to pay a nominal fee of $50. This payment is processed in our online Eleyo system. Once payment is received and confirmed, DVUSD Gifted Services will schedule testing. DVUSD Gifted Services looks forward to supporting your learner! If you have any questions, please contact our office at 623-445-5588.